Principal Geologist, P.G.
I grew up in the “Cove”, a place in central Pennsylvania where the Appalachian Mountains meet the Allegheny Plateau. Growing up, I spent a lot of time in those mountains hunting, exploring, riding motorcycles, and camping, so it was not surprising that I later majored in Earth Sciences at Penn State. I had planned to pursue a career in the oil and gas industry, but as I neared graduation the domestic oil and gas industry was in a major downturn. But as fate would have it the environmental industry was emerging, so I accepted a geologist position in the environmental department of a firm located in New Jersey.
After a few years I returned to my home state where I would end up working 30 years for a firm that employed some of the most intelligent and innovative people I had ever known or worked with. In 2023, I joined the BSTI team where I know (having worked with the BSTI team for almost 20 years) that I am surrounded by that same level of intellect and innovation, and just downright great people.

During all of that we raised two wonderful children, a daughter who pursued her love of biology in college and landed a job in the pharmaceutical research field, and a son who pursued his amazement with the workings of the human body and will soon be the first doctor in the Claycomb family, a Doctor of Physical Therapy. My daughter and son-in-law have two amazing children, they are so full of life, and I always have a smile on my face when I am around them. Even after years of being called “Pap” I am still getting used to it…Pap was always my grandfather, and I am not that old!
When not at work, I enjoy doing stuff around the house. I am pretty handy, so I always have a project and am always building, fixing, or working on something. I also enjoy vegetable gardening. It is quiet and relaxing and there is nothing better than picking and eating vegetables right from your own garden. I still do some hunting and I keep trying to master the “unmasterable” game of golf.
I have traveled hundreds of thousands of business miles in my career, having been to every part of the US, including the North Slope of Alaska, and several trips to Canada. I even temporarily lived in Texas and Louisiana. So, unlike many others that like to travel at this point in their life, I prefer to stay home and tend to the garden and participate as much as I can in the lives of my children and grandchildren…that makes me happy.
B.S., Earth Science, Pennsylvania State
University, State College,
Pennsylvania, 1987
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 40-hour
HAZWOPER Training, 1989
Transport and Fate of Contaminants in
the Subsurface, Stevens University,
Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology,
The Princeton Course, 1992
Multimedia Exposure Assessment
Modeling, Allison Geoscience,
Gainesville, Georgia, 1993
Advanced Environmental Law, Penn
State University, 1997
Leadership Development Certificate,
Penn State University School of
Graduate Studies, 2018
Professional Geologist
State of Pennsylvania
Cert. No. PG-000210-G
State of Delaware
Reg. No. S4-0000848
State of New York
Lic. No. 000404
State of Tennessee
Lic. No. 5965
The Geological Society of America,
Member 1993