


“You can either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret” – Jim Rohn

I was born and raised in Delaware, growing up spending most of my time playing sports and out in nature. I’ve enjoyed much of my time in the woods around red clay and white clay creek with my two older brothers and friends. Growing up I played soccer, track, and wrestling up through high school. I have recently picked up golf as well, going further towards enjoying my time outdoors.

I began my college career as a biomedical engineer, but after looking more into the engineering disciplines I landed on Environmental Engineering. I felt most drawn towards environmental work and feel like I am making a positive impact. Being able to help clean and preserve the watersheds I grew up around has been a great experience.

I enjoy being able to take on different tasks to support our company including being outside with field work, helping support our teams with data analysis and GIS mapping, and soon to be involved in our sales and marketing team.