

Description: Brownfield Science & Technology, Inc. (BSTI) provided technical lead assessment services to the owner of a structure undergoing renovation. The structure was built in the late 18th century and required substantial renovation prior to occupation. Due to the age of the structure, lead-based paint (LBP) was presumed to be present.

A lead paint inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine whether there is lead-based paint in a structure or child-occupied facility.  Inspections can be legally performed only by certified inspectors or risk assessors.

BSTI’s objectives where to help our client to understand the level of screening appropriate and to provide documentation to guide the on-scene construction workers.  After some careful consideration, BSTI’s client opted for a modified lead-based paint inspection that incorporated a combination of field screening and sample collection.

During the inspection, components in each room as well as some exterior components were surveyed for the presence of LBP using a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analyzer. A total of 136 XRF paint readings were taken and catalogued using in-system data capture.  After testing with the XRF was completed, the inspector collected dust “wipe” samples to determine the quantity of lead in the dust throughout the structure. The results of the XRF testing confirmed that lead-based paint was present on both interior and exterior surfaces. The dust wipe samples also showed that lead dust levels where present above EPA/HUD guidelines.

As a result of the modified approach, the client was able to prioritize and scale mitigation activities to assure protectiveness of human health while maintaining their budget.

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